My Confession: Glee, I Love You

I’m not going to lie to all you Gleeks out there. I thought you were total losers. Lame-Os. Seriously, who wants to watch a show about high-schoolers where everyone breaks into song at completely irreverent times? I mocked you nerds for an entire year and then last September I was watching tv and saw the promo for Glee and I said “well, I don’t have a damn thing to do tonight, let’s mock some nerds”. (I didn’t say this)

Yeah, I got this photo from

Well, I didn’t have that much to mock when I actually watched it. The characters are really well developed (with the exception of the African American boy who never speaks but is often in performances, not sure what that’s about) and the issues that are addressed are pretty real for a lot of high-schoolers. The writing is witty as all get out and although I began my Glee addiction actually fast forwarding through the musical numbers because I thought they were lame, I’ve recently downloaded some of the Glee songs. Do you know why? Two words: Darren Criss.

Holy heck this guy makes the show for me. Not because he’s good looking (and over 18 mind you). The Warblers made me really enjoy the music on the show and I’ve even gotten to the point where I can listen to the over-singing of Michelle Lea without fast forwarding. I thought Darren Criss was the perfect addition to this show, and the crush that Kurt had on him was a perfect story line. The character that Criss plays, Blaine for all of you that still resist this perfectly wonderful show, is just amazing. Now I’m not a gay man in high school, but I just love the way his character exudes an outward confidence in the person that he is, although readily admits to insecurities that he doesn’t let rule his life. How great is this for any high school (or younger) kid to hear? Oh, and did I mention that he’s hot?

So you’ve got a little over a month to get over your mocking, to let go of that “I’m not going to follow what all of the dorks at my office watch on TV” attitude and get caught up on Glee before the new season starts. They are on streaming Netflix so you can get all the ins and outs of the Rachel-Finn-Quinn love triangle, which I actually find painfully boring since I think all three characters are shallow and pedantic. ($1 to my friends that know that quote. No cheating, you just have to know what it’s from right off the bat. I’ll know if you Googled it. I know these things)

To tide you over, here’s my favorite Glee song so far, featuring Blaine and the Warblers. Enjoy!

6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. photomommy
    Aug 15, 2011 @ 09:48:30

    Welcome to the Glee side! I have to admit I have a little crush on Darren Criss, too. Boy is HOT!. =)


  2. KismetsCIRCUS
    Aug 15, 2011 @ 10:16:48

    1. GLEE – Season 1 WAY better than Season 2 except for the Warblers, in my opinion. I will agree with you on that point and I wish they did more a capella numbers.
    2. Lea Michelle has a wonderful voice and if you heard her in Spring Awakening it might quell your contempt for her.
    3. I hear ya on the reluctance on shows that everyone is gushing about. I’m still holding out on Dexter. I’m glad you enjoy the show too though.



  3. purduekate
    Aug 15, 2011 @ 10:26:40

    oh I said her name wrong. Maybe I just find her character so grating that I can’t appreciate her voice. I just think she showboats a little too much for my liking. But you’re right, she has a great voice. I just don’t like it. 🙂


  4. Ryan
    Aug 15, 2011 @ 11:14:28

    …love triangles aren’t shallow and pedantic–MEATLOAF is shallow and pedantic.


  5. Ryan
    Aug 15, 2011 @ 11:15:30

    …oh, and Darren Criss is also a University of Michigan Theatre Alumnus! Go Blue!!


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